Category: Seen In Wolseley

  • Sit Awhile

    Sometimes, when you’re out for a walk, you just need to sit for a few minutes. Maybe you have a pebble in your shoe, maybe you just need a bit of a rest. When that happens, finding someplace to park your butt can be a challenge. Fear not, your Wolseley neighbours have your back! Many…

  • What boring boulevards?

    One of the truly wonderful things about walking in Wolseley, is the amazing variety of landscaping you’ll see. Not very many boring boulevards here. Residents seem to be of the mind that, if the city is going to make us take care of this strip of dirt between the sidewalk and the road, we’re going…

  • How lucky am I!

    How lucky am I!

    I am blessed to live in what may be the most walkable neighbourhood in Winnipeg. Wolseley is a beautiful area, full of character homes, mature landscaping (a large part of our urban forest resides on Wolseley boulevards), and neighbours who value both. I’ve been lucky enough to live here for over 25 years, and still,…